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중요 메일메일 제목국제학술조직 APacCHRIE에서 서비스관련 특강

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 151

(사)한국호텔관광학회 회원님들께

특강 공지드립니다. 

오늘 한국시간으로 오후 5-6시에 국제학술조직 APacCHRIE에서 서비스관련 특강이 마련됩니다.  

무료 특강이며, 국제적인 학술활동에도 관심이 있으신 회원 분들께 유익한 정보가 되길 바랍니다. 

Dear Colleagues and Friends,   


Please be reminded about the following APacCHRIE Webinar which will be held from 4:00pm – 5:00pm Hong Kong time on Friday, 29 November 2024.   

Please save the date and click the image or scan the QR code below to register! We look forward to seeing you online!   



Why become a member of APacCHRIE?    

APacCHRIE membership provides you with highly-valued networking opportunities with institutions, organisations and experts from around the world. Additional benefits include marketing, use of a variety of social media platforms, top quality education & research journals, publications, workshops, news from around the Asia–Pacific region and discounts on the APacCHRIE annual conference and other partner products. Click here for more details of membership benefits.     

In addition, once you are a member of APacCHRIE, you will automatically become a member of the International CHRIE (ICHRIE) and enjoy the benefits of connecting not only within the Asia–Pacific region but to the global world.    

Please sign up for membership at ICHRIE website (https://www.chrie.org/membership). 
